A radiologist is a doctor who performs and interprets diagnostic tests. Types of tests can include an X-ray, CAT scan, ultrasound, upper GI test, MRI, barium enema and even nuclear medicine scans. At times, a radiologist can also treat the problem found.
Prepare for a long and intense course of study and training if you want to become a radiologist. Because radiology deals with all the areas of medicine, training requires approximately 15 years. Take advanced high school courses in math and science. Volunteer work in a hospital gives you good experience and looks good on a
college application.
- Enroll in college and take pre-med courses. Make excellent grades, especially in science courses to qualify for medical school. Take creative writing classes and communication. You must have good written and verbal skills to become a radiologist.
- Pass the exams and get into medical school. Work hard and achieve excellence in chemistry, organic chemistry, advanced biology and physics.
- Complete five years of residency. You must be able to diagnose such conditions as gallstones, kidney stones, broken bones, torn ligaments, pneumonia, internal bleeding and cancer. You must have an intense thirst for knowledge and enjoy performing procedures in order to become a good radiologist.
- Work hard, achieve excellent grades on your medical board exams and qualify for a fellowship program. Most take one or two years. You must get hands-on training in performing biopsies, draining abscesses, doing angioplasties and treating aneurysms.